Happy Monday everyone! If you've been reading for a while, you know that I'm a pretty big fan of Kylie Cosmetics. I have and love her Posie K Lip Kit, as well as a few of her other products. Recently, I've been obsessed with highlighters so when she announced that "kylighters" were her new product I was too excited!
I knew the second I saw the collection that 'Salted Caramel' was the one for me. It's the perfect gold to compliment my skin tone as well as the champagne/golden eyeshadow looks I typically wear. My favorite thing about the product is that it can be subtle or glam depending on how much you apply. Most days I just want a light glow, nothing too extreme. But there are times when I want to go all out and this works for that as well. The other major thing I like is that you can only really see it from a certain angle, not head on. I'm not a fan of highlighters that are blatant and obvious when I'm looking straight at someone.

The other two factors I want to talk about are the packaging and price. I don't love the packaging, it's the waxy plastic that feels super cheap. I do, however, like the fact that it has a mirror. At $22, the price point is mid-range for this type of product and for the quality I think it's fairly priced. The lower price point compensates for the packaging. That's all for today! Comment your favorite highlighter! Xoxo, Lauren.