Welcome back! This book talk is a bit delayed because I wanted to finish the book before writing this post. I started Life in Motion back in August and it's taken 2 months to read, not because I wasn't completely captivated by the story, but because I started the book during one of the busiest times of the year, the week before I moved to college. Now that my life has (somewhat) settled down and I was able to get Life in Motion from the library, I sat down in front of the fireplace (in the student center at my school...not the same as the one in my bedroom at home but it'll do) and contentedly finished the last few chapters.
If you follow my Facebook page, you may have seen a video I posted back in July of Misty Copeland recreating some of Degas' most popular paintings. I've obviously known who Misty Copeland was being an African American woman, but surprisingly I've never known that much about her (it's especially surprising considering I went through a phase where I wanted to be a dancer). That video made me realize how incredibly talented and beautiful she is and I needed to learn more about her, so I put myself on hold for her memoir, Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina, at the library. I've been reading a lot of memoirs lately, like Unfiltered and An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth, but rather than give advice, Misty Copeland tells her real-life story; the good, the bad, and the complicated.
Misty Copeland was neither raised in privilege, nor did she start from the bottom. Like any normal person, her early life had peaks and valleys. There were times when her family situation wasn't great, but she was also blessed with a support system that provided her with the tools she needed to succeed. She is, to this day, an incredible dancer which has for better or worse allowed her some insane experiences from crying on Leeza Gibbons' show as a kid to dancing on stage with Prince. Beneath it all, Misty is brutally honest as she retells the stories of her childhood from her perspective, despite what others may have seen or told.
I don't think this book is for everyone - unless you care about Misty Copeland and want to know her story you should opt out. But it's an interesting read and I honestly think that I'm better for having read it. 3.5/5 stars.
What have you been reading lately? Leave a comment letting me know what I should read next, Lolita has been on my list for a while but I'm still 3rd on 1 copy at the library! xx, Lauren