Hi again. New year, new me is such a tired phrase but it so accurately describes my attitude this year so I'm using it anyway. I have a long list of reasons I took a break from the blog but none of them matter. All you need to know is that I am back and better than ever creating content.
2020 is setting out to be a big year for me. I have so many goals, plans, and milestones this year that I want to share.
I'm a huge goal setter but I'm also not afraid to modify or cancel goals that I've set as my priorities or plans change. So here are some of the goals I have set but I'm 100% percent sure they will change over the year.
start blogging again and embark on a new endeavor
I've missed blogging so much, so being consistent is one of my biggest goals for 2020. Along with that, I want to build a business for myself whether it is via the blog, YouTube, a podcast, etc.
shop smarter
I am so bad about buying clothes I never end up wearing or buying clothes that I decide I don't like a month later. This year I want to make wiser purchases and build a wardrobe that I love and that reflects my style.
socialize and invest in friendship
I can be such a homebody and have no problem spending time with only my closest friends. This isn't necessarily a bad time, but I want to be better about meeting new people and developing relationships in 2020.go on a trip with my best friend
Allie and I have known each other for 7 years and been best friends for almost 4, but we've never traveled together. I am determined to travel with her this year, even if it's just a weekend trip to Martha's Vineyard or Cape Cod while I'm in Boston this summer.
That brings us to my plans for 2020...
As I said earlier, 2020 is a big year for me as far as milestones and achievements. So, here are a few I can share with you right now:
internship/moving to Boston
I'm starting a new internship in Boston this summer! I'm very excited to learn a lot and live in a new city for the summer.turning 21
On July 10, I will turn 21 and finally be a real adult!! The past 2 ages have been relatively boring ages to turn, so I plan to go all out for my 21st.
move into my own apartment
At the end of the summer, I'm moving into a new apartment. This will be my first time living on my own ever, so I'm excited to start a new chapter and finally feel like an adult.
start senior year of college
The end of summer also brings my senior year of college! Being a senior brings a lot of 'lasts' but honestly I'm so ready for them.
What are your goals and plans for the year? Write them down or say them out loud, but don't let them drag you down. You are in control of your own life and your goals can change as you do.
So excited for more posts this year so get ready!
xx, Lauren