This week is (unfortunately) the last week of #BloggersBTS, and the theme is food! When I read that the theme was going to be food, I immediately thought of healthy after school snacks, because I know how tempting it can be to go home and overload on food while watching Netflix or doing your homework! A tip I learned, is to pick healthy snacks, and not eat while you are working, because you are sure to over eat and spoil your dinner (I sound like a grandparent, but it's true!).
My first favorite snack is frozen mangos! I love fruit because it's sweet while still being healthy! Frozen mangos are delicious snacks for after school, especially while it's still hot outside!
Another one of my sweet favorites is chocolate covered almonds. The ones that I love are from Trader Joe's and I swear they are addicting! I love these because they are sweet, without being too sweet due to the sea salt and dark chocolate bitterness; plus, just a few of these is all you need!
My third favorite snack is salty, seaweed! Seaweed is so easy to snack on and super healthy! Many people don't love the flavor of seaweed, but I love it!
Another one of my favorites is veggie straws! I'm not sure how healthy they actually are, as I've heard mixed things, but they aren't unhealthy and they taste good!
My last snack isn't a food but a drink, juice! If you follow me on Instagram (@misslaurenalston), you may have seen a photo a posted a couple weeks ago of my green juice! We've had a juicer for a while now, but, for the most part, it goes unused, so I decided to recreate my favorite kale, lemon, apple juice at home! It ended up being delicious and filling! This one is the most nutritious snack because it's all natural, but also the longest to make! It takes about 3o minutes to make and clean up a juice, so I only do it when I don't have tons of homework!
I hope you enjoyed this post; send me pictures on Instagram and twitter (@mslaurenalston) if you decide to make juice, and let me know what your favorite after school snacks are! Stay tuned, xo Lauren.